October 26-27, 2017 Hot off the press, here is the brochure for the 6th Annual Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit at Georgetown University Law Center.  It is my privilege to co-chair this conference.  In addition to 7 General Counsels, 4 Chief Financial Officers and 2 CEOs from the hotel and lodging industry, this year’s agenda features a keynote
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I was quoted in the Washington City Paper last month, on the Family and Medical Leave Act and other laws relevant to a crisis of addiction among restaurant employees.

Here is an article on remarks by Canadian lawyer Gregory Biniowsky at last month’s Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit, on the subject of U.S. hotel investment in Cuba.

Airbnb and its competitors in the “home rental” industry were a frequent topic of discussion at this year’s Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit.  Here is an article on panel that included some debate on legal issues between representatives of that industry and the hotel industry.

Congratulations to my client Marriott International, Inc. on creating the largest hotel company in the history of the industry, and still looking to grow. http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/roadwarriorvoices/2016/10/04/week-after-merging-starwood-marriott-expands-into-africa/91519616/

I was privileged to attend this year’s International Luxury Hotel Association Pinnacle Summit with fellow faculty members and students of Georgetown University’s graduate Hospitality Management Program, this week at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, at National Harbor, Maryland.  The highlight of the conference for our group was a private meeting with the team
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Thank you to Becky Krystal of the Washington Post for quoting me in her article on the legal relationships between celebrity chefs and their restaurants.